Advocacy Week Sessions | View On-Demand
Tuesday, October 19
11:00 am EDT | RIMS’ State Initiatives This session will examine states’ varied responses to Covid-19 business interruption losses with two experts in the field. |
1:00 pm EDT | Lobbying 101 Lobbying Members of Congress, Senators, and their staff is more art than science. Preparing for a meeting to advocate RIMS’ positions is critical, as is understanding the audience and how to get main points across. Hear from an expert
on how to approach this important advocacy tool so you are both comfortable and confident as you meet with policymakers—whether in person or virtually. |
2:30 pm EDT | Insurtech on the Silicon Prairie: Insurance Commissioners Panel on Insurtech and Innovation How might Insurtech help RIMS members? Three state insurance commissioners will discuss the workings of Insurtech from a regulatory perspective, including what the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Innovation and Technology
Task Force is focusing on. Current issues include Trends in Insurtech, Use of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and E-commerce. Organized by the Nebraska Department of Insurance and the Nebraska Insurance Federation. Note: This session requires separate registration. Click here to register.
Wednesday, October 20
11:00 am EDT | Federal Pandemic Risk Initiatives and the Business Continuity Coalition RIMS participates in the Business Continuity Coalition, which comprises a broad range of business insurance policyholders. The Coalition is working constructively with policymakers and other U.S. stakeholders to develop an insurance program
that protects jobs by ensuring business continuity from future economic losses from a pandemic or other event that causes widespread closures of the economy. |
1:00 pm EDT | Congressional Efforts to Enact Pandemic Risk Legislation Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) introduced Pandemic Risk Insurance Legislation in 2020 to provide a Federal backstop for insurance companies that insure against business continuity risk, particularly related to a pandemic. We will
receive a briefing from a staff member on the future of pandemic risk legislation. |
3:00 pm EDT | RIMS’ Federal Initiatives: Cyber/Data Privacy Cybersecurity and data privacy continue to be important for RIMS members, as Congress grapples with the topics in an effort to protect both consumers and companies. This session will explore what Congress is doing, addressing both the
policy and the politics of cybersecurity and data privacy. |