RIMS External Affairs Committee Presents:


Business Interruption and COVID-Related Legislation Updates

As a result of COVID-19, a key issue that has developed for businesses around the country is whether a portion or all of losses may be covered by insurance. As many commercial insurance policies do not provide business interruption coverage for COVID-19 related shutdowns, legislatures across the country have drafted and introduced legislation compelling insurance companies to cover these losses. Additionally, there have been various federal legislative initiatives introduced and discussed in congress that address insurance coverage.


Members of the RIMS External Affairs Committee are hosting one-hour sessions devoted to discussing federal legislation and business interruption insurance in four regions across the country. They will explore the measures state and federal legislators and regulators are taking to address constituent coverage concerns in their areas and the potential outcomes. The webinars will discuss the Pandemic Risk Insurance Act of 2020 (PRIA), the Business interruption Insurance Coverage Act of 2020, and the Business Continuity Protection Program, among others.


Free for RIMS members, $50 for non members

Session 1  |  June 11, 3:00 PM EST

Western Region Legislation & Pandemic Risk Insurance Act of 2020 (PRIA) Updates




Mark Humphreys
Watt Companies and RIMS External Affairs Committee Chair


Michael Laperche
Pride Industries

Session 2  |  June 18, 3:00 PM EST

Midwest Region Legislation & Federal Pandemic Loss Program




Jay Gates


Lynne Haley Pilarski
General Motors

Session 3  |  June 25, 1:00 PM EST

Northeast Region Legislation & Federal Business Interruption Legislation




Katherine Henry
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings


Kyle Van Hoeven
The Lane Construction Corporation

Session 4  |  July 2, 1:00 PM EST

Southern Region Legislation & Risk and Pandemic Modeling




Harold Weston
Georgia State University


Fred Karlinsky
Greenberg Traurig




Matthew Nielsen
Senior Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs RMS, Inc