RIMS REPORT - Ties That Bind: Business Continuity Management, Resilience and Geopolitical Risk

December 12, 2017

NEW YORK (December 12, 2017) —Business continuity management provides an opportunity for resilient organizations to help safeguard both economic factors and societal responsibilities, according to a new RIMS Professional Report titled, Ties That Bind: Business Continuity Management, Resilience and Geopolitical Risk.
Authored by Elsa Goutveniger for RIMS, the report highlights the value of a proactive business continuity management system and its ability to support risk management professionals’ capacity to address emerging risks. The report focuses on geopolitical risks and urges organizations’ to incorporate social responsibilities into its business continuity efforts.
“Business continuity management can and should extend beyond the organization’s finances and operations,” said Ms. Goutveniger. “An effective plan can improve productivity, reliability and enhance competitiveness and, perhaps most importantly, strengthen its reputation among its consumers, key stakeholders and surrounding community.”
Ties That Bind: Business Continuity Management, Resilience and Geopolitical Risk report is available in RIMS Risk Knowledge library at www.RIMS.org/RiskKnowledge.  For more information about the Society and to learn about other RIMS educational opportunities, conferences and resources, visit www.RIMS.org.

For more information, contact:

Josh Salter, Director of Communications, (212) 655-6059 or JSalter@rims.org

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