Preview of Captives as an Alternate Risk Financing Technique

Free Recorded Webinar

Alternative risk transfers (ART) enable organizations to stabilize costs, earn investment income, and access coverage not available in the market. However, many risk professionals must learn how to use alternative risk financing techniques, the most common being Captives. In this preview of the new RIMS workshop Captives as an Alternate Risk Financing Technique, RIMS professional instructors, Dan Kugler and Elise Farnham offer a glimpse into the curriculum and what to expect in the two-day course. Register for free and watch on-demand.


Learning Objectives

  • Understand why risk professionals need to know alternative risk transfers and why they are prevalent to your organization now
  • Examine the reasons behind why organizations explore alternative financial mechanisms
  • Analyze various alternative risk financing solutions that support corporate goals
  • Identify leading captive domiciles around the world


Dan Kugler

Dan Kugler, Principal
Risk Management & Insurance Consultancy, LLC

Elise Farnham

Elise Farnham, President
Illumine Consulting

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